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Collection List

A New Subject 2 African American Studies African Studies Africana Studies American Studies Antebellum Studies Area Studies Art and Architecture Asian Studies Asian Studies, Asia Asian Studies, China Asian Studies, India Asian Studies, Indochina Asian Studies, Japan Asian Studies, Vietnam/Asian Studies, China British Studies British Studies, Eighteenth Century British Studies, Ireland British Studies, Medieval and Early Modern British Studies, Nineteenth Century Business and Economic Studies Business and Economics Caribbean Studies Cinema and Theater Studies Civil Rights Civil War Studies Colonial America and the Early Republic Colonial and Eary Republic History Colonial History Cultural Studies Demographics and Genealogy Diplomatic History Eastern European Studies Education Education and Social Welfare European Studies European Studies, Austria European Studies, France European Studies, Germany European Studies, Italy European Studies, Spain and Portugal European Studies, Western Europe Feminist Studies Film Studies Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies Gender Studies German Studies Global Studies Health Studies Health, Medicine and Science Holocaust Studies Immigration and Refugee Studies International Affairs International Affairs and Diplomacy International Relations Italian Studies Japanese Studies Jewish and Holocaust Studies Labor Studies Latin American Studies Latin American Studies, Mexico Latino Studies Latino/Latin American Studies Law and Legal History Literature, American Literature, British Literature, Continental Europe Local and Regional History Medicine, Science and Technology Middle East Studies Military History Military History [World War II] Military History, Civil War Military History, Colonial America and Revolutionary War Military History, Korean War Military History, Russia and the USSR Military History, Vietnam War Military History, World War II Military History, World War II and Korean War Military History, World War II and Postwar Period Music Studies Native American Studies Newspapers/Periodicals and Journalism Newspapers/Periodicals and Journalism, American Newspapers/Periodicals and Journalism, Asia Newspapers/Periodicals and Journalism, British Peace Studies Political and Presidential Studies Political Science Political Studies Radical Studies Regional and Local History Religion and Theology Religion and Theology Studies Religious Studies Science Science and Technology Slavic Studies Social and Cultural Studies Social History South Asian Studies Southern History Southern Studies Travel and Exploration Vietnam War Western History Western U.S. History Women's Studies
Administrative Histories of U.S. Civilian Agencies: Korean War
Administrative Histories of U.S. Civilian Agencies: World War II
African American Business, Entrepreneurship and the Commerce Department Records of the Office of the Secretary
African American Culture and History: The L.S. Alexander Gumby Collection of Negroiana
African-American Baptist Annual Reports, 1865-1990s
Allied Propaganda in World War II: The Complete Record of the Political Warfare Executive (FO 898)
America in Protest: Records of Anti-Vietnam Organizations, Part 1: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
America in Protest: Records of Anti-Vietnam Organizations, Part 2: National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, 1964-1967
America in Protest: Records of Anti-Vietnam Organizations, Part 3: Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, 1966-1973
America’s Architectural History: Key Titles from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
American Civil Liberties Union Archives, 1917-1950: Series 1: The Roger Baldwin Years
American Civil Liberties Union Archives, 1917-1950: Series 1: The Roger Baldwin Years: Name Index
American Civil Liberties Union Archives, 1917-1950: Series 1: The Roger Baldwin Years: Subject Index
American Civil Liberties Union Archives, 1950-1990: Series 2: Foundation Project Files
American Civil Liberties Union Archives, 1950-1990: Series 3: Subject Files
American Civil Liberties Union Archives, 1950-1990: Series 4: Legal Case Files
American Fiction, 1774-1910
American Fiction, 1911-1920
American Fund for Public Service Records, 1922-1941
American Literary Annuals and Gift Books, 1825-1865
American Medical Periodicals, 1797-1900
American Missionary Association Archives, 1839-1882
American Negro Historial Society Collection, 1790-1905
American Poetry, 1609-1870
American Religions Collection, Series 1, Nontraditional American Religions, Western Esotericism from Witchcraft to the New Age, Part 1
American Religions Collection, Series 1, Nontraditional American Religions, Western Esotericism from Witchcraft to the New Age, Part 2
American Religions Collection, Series 2, Nontraditional American Religions, Eastern Religions: Buddhism, Shintoism, and Japanese New Religions
American Religions Collection, Series 3, Nontraditional American Religions, Eastern Religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, and Sant Mat
Anti-Slavery Collection
Archives of the British Conservative Party
Archives of the Destruction: A Photographic Record of Yad Vashem
Archives of the Parliamentary Labour Party
Asian Culture, 1845-1949: The Periodical Perspective
Baldwin Library Collection of Historical Children’s Literature, 1850-1869: Units 1-20
Books of the Fairs
Bostwick Company Business Records, 1819-1856
British Culture: Series 1: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century
British Culture: Series 2: British Theology
British Foreign Office Records of General Political Correspondence for Japan, 1949
British in Ireland: Dublin Castle Records
Business History Collection
Bute Broadsides
China and the West: The Maritime Customs Service Archive: Units 1-7
Chronicles and Documents of Medieval England, c.1150-c.1500: Parts 1 and 2
Church Authority and Power in Medieval and Early Modern England: The Episcopal Registers: Parts 1-8
Churchill at War: The Prime Minister’s Office Papers, 1940-1945
Cinema Pressbooks of the Major Hollywood Studies. From the Original Studio Collections
City Directories of the United States
Civil Rights and Social Activism in the South, Series 3: James A. Dombrowski and the Southern Conference Educational Fund
Civil Rights and Social Activism in the South: Series 1: Parts 1-2
Civil Rights and Social Activism in the South: Series 2: Parts 1-2
Clifford W. Henderson National Air Races Collection, 1928-1939
Collections of the United Farm Workers of America, Series 1: Office Files of the President of the United Farm Workers of America, Part 1: 1951-1971
Collections of the United Farm Workers of America, Series 1: Office Files of the President of the United Farm Workers of America, Part 2:1965-1992
Collections of the United Farm Workers of America, Series 1: Office Files of the President of the United Farm Workers of America, Part 3: 1951-1971
Collections of the United Farm Workers of America, Series 2: Papers of the United Farm Workers Work Department, 1969-1975
Colonial Latin American Manuscripts and Transcripts from the Obadiah Rich Collection
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 1: Unit 10: Addenda, 1547 - 1625
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 1: Units 1-5: Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I, 1547 - 1603
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 1: Units 6-9: James I, 1603 - 1625
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 2: Unit 35: William III and Mary - King Williams Chest
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 2: Units 11-18: Charles I, 1625 - 1648
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 2: Units 19-24: Interregnum, 1649 - 1660
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 2: Units 25-34: Charles II
Complete State Papers Domestic, 1547-1702: Series 3: Units 36-41: Henry VIII, 1509 - 1547
Complete State Papers Regencies, SP43, Volumes 1-27, Hanover, 1716-1740
Conquistadors: The Struggle for Colonial Power in Latin America, 1492-1825: Parts 1-3
Correspondence Series of the Speeches of the Personal Papers of John Foster Dulles, (1888
County and Regional Histories and Atlases
Cyprus Crisis, 1967: The State Department
Czechoslovakia Crisis, 1968: The State Department
Darwin, Huxley and the Natural Sciences: Units 1-5
Denison House Papers, 1890-1984
Diaries of Henry Lewis Stimson
Documenting the Peruvian Insurrection
Documenting the Portuguese Revolution, 1962-1994
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-1 Records of the U.S. Military Advisor to the Philippine Commonwealth, 1935-1941
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-10 General Douglas MacArthur’s Private Correspondence, 1848-1964
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-15 Documents Donated by the General Public
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-16 Papers of Major General Courtney Whitney, USA, 1942-1947
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-2 Records of Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE), 1941-1942
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-20 Papers of General Arthur MacArthur, 1845-1912
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-21 Papers of Malcolm MacArthur, 1907-1980
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-22 Papers of Brigadier General H. E. Eastwood, USA, 1942-1953
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-23 Papers of Major General Charles A. Willoughby, USA, 1947-1973
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-25 Collection of Periodicals, Newspapers, Newsclippings, & Speeches
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-3 Records of Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), 1942-1945
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-30 Papers of Lieutenant General Richard K. Sutherland, USA, 1941-1945
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-31 Papers of Colonial C. E. Skoglund, USA, 1945-1951
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-4 Records of General Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces Pacific (USAFPAC), 1942-1947
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-43 Papers of Weldon Hester
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-46 Papers of Paul P. Rogers
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-5 Records of General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for Allied Powers (SCAP), 1945-1951
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-6 Records of General Headquarters, Far East Command (FECOM), 1947-1951
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-7 Records of General Headquarters, United Nations Command (UNC), 1950-1951
Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives & Library Collection, RG-9 Collection of Messages (Radiograms), 1945-1951
Dreyfus Affair in the Making of Modern France
Early American Medical Imprints, 1668-1820
Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817
Early and Central Middle Ages, c.650-c.1200 AD: The Manuscript Record: Parts 1 and 2
Early British Fiction: Pre-1750
Early English Newspapers
Ecclesiastical Authority in England: Church Court Records, c.1400-c.1660: Series 1: Parts 1 and 2: Ely
Ecclesiastical Authority in England: Church Court Records, c.1400-c.1660: Series 2: Parts 1 and 2: Chichester
Economic Literature, 1851-1900
English Stage After the Restoration: Parts 1-2, 1733-1822
European Music Mss Before 1820 in Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect A: Music before 1740 & Sacred Music Unit 1: Mss from Cat. Nos. 2-2224
European Music Mss Before 1820 in Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect A: Music before 1740 & Sacred Music Unit 2: Mss from Cat. Nos. 2261
European Music Mss Before 1820 in Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect B: 1740-1770 Unit 3: Mss from Cat. Nos. 33-700
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect B: 1740-1770 Unit 4: Mss from Cat. Nos. 733-1071
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect B: 1740-1770 Unit 5: Mss from Cat. Nos. 1072-1241
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect B: 1740-1770 Unit 6: Mss from Cat. Nos. 1242-2212
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect B: 1740-1770 Unit 7: Mss from Cat. Nos. 2213-2410
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect B: 1740-1770 Unit 8: Mss from Cat. Nos. 2411-5059
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect C: 1770-1820 Unit 10: Mss from Cat. Nos. 467-1189
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect C: 1770-1820 Unit 11: Mss from Cat. Nos. 1190-1706
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect C: 1770-1820 Unit 12: Mss from Cat. Nos. 1707-2783
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect C: 1770-1820 Unit 13: Mss from Cat. Nos. 2784-5134
European Music Mss Before 1820 Series Two: From Biblioteca Da Ajuda, Lisbon Sect C: 1770-1820 Unit 9: Mss from Cat. Nos. 12-466
European Music Mss in the British Library, European Music c.1641-1820 Unit 1: Mss from the Egerton, King’s, Sloane, Stowe & Add. Mss 6145-29803
European Music Mss in the British Library, European Music c.1641-1820 Unit 2: Add. Mss 29906-32191
European Music Mss in the British Library, European Music c.1641-1820 Unit 3: Add. Mss 32192-36297
European Music Mss in the British Library, European Music c.1641-1820 Unit 4: Add. Mss 36738-64942, Printed Books, Royal Music & Zweig Mss
European Music Mss Series Three: From Biblioteca Da Paco Ducal De Vila Vicosa, Music from the Royal Theatres & Sacred, Liturgical & Unbound Music
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Archives, Global Missions, Series 1
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Archives, Global Missions, Series 2
FBI File on Adam Clayton Powell
FBI File on Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers
FBI File on American POWs/MIAs in Southeast Asia
FBI File on Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers
FBI File on Charles Lindbergh
FBI File on Eleanor Roosevelt
FBI File on Elijah Muhammad
FBI File on Ezra Pound
FBI File on Jonestown
FBI File on Joseph McCarthy
FBI File on Joseph P. Kennedy
FBI File on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
FBI File on Malcolm X
FBI File on the America First Committee
FBI File on the American Churchwomen in El Salvador, December 1980
FBI File on the Black Panther Party--North Carolina
FBI File on The Muslim Mosque Inc.
FBI File on the Organization of Afro-American Unity
FBI File on the Osage Indian Murders
FBI File on the Posse Comitatus
FBI File on the Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
FBI File on W.E.B. DuBois
FBI File on WACO/Branch Davidian Compound (Negotiation Transcripts)
FBI File on Watergate Investigation
FBI Investigation File on Marcus Garvey
Federated Press Records: American Labor Journalism in the Mid-Twentieth Century: Series 1: Parts 1-4: Subject Files
Federated Press Records: American Labor Journalism in the Mid-Twentieth Century: Series 2: Biographical Files
Federated Press Records: American Labor Journalism in the Mid-Twentieth Century: Series 3: Chronological Files, 1920-1940
Film Daily & Film Daily Yearbook, The Complete Collection, 1915-1970, Series One: Film Daily and Predecessors, 1915-1970, Part Five
Film Daily & Film Daily Yearbook, The Complete Collection, 1915-1970, Series One: Film Daily and Predecessors, 1915-1970, Part Four
Film Daily & Film Daily Yearbook, The Complete Collection, 1915-1970, Series One: Film Daily and Predecessors, 1915-1970, Part One
Film Daily & Film Daily Yearbook, The Complete Collection, 1915-1970, Series One: Film Daily and Predecessors, 1915-1970, Part Three
Film Daily & Film Daily Yearbook, The Complete Collection, 1915-1970, Series One: Film Daily and Predecessors, 1915-1970, Part Two
Film Daily & Film Daily Yearbook, The Complete Collection, 1915-1970, Series Two: Film Daily and Predecessors, 1915-1970
Fin-de-Siecle Symbolist and Avant-Garde Periodicals
Fiorello H. La Guardia Papers, 1917-1945
First Three Centuries of Appalachian Travel
Foundations of Modern Europe
Francis Griffith Newlands Scrapbooks, 1887-1918
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Race Relations
Freedom Civic Association Records,1917-1992
French Political Pamphlets, 1547-1648
Gay Rights Movement: Series 10: Lesbian Herstory Archives Newsletter Collection
Gay Rights Movement: Series 11: International Gay and Lesbian Periodicals and Newsletters
Gay Rights Movement: Series 1: The Mattachine Society of New York Records, 1951-1976
Gay Rights Movement: Series 2: Gay Activists Alliance, 1970-1983
Gay Rights Movement: Series 3: ACT UP: The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power
Gay Rights Movement: Series 4: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Records, 1973-2000
Gay Rights Movement: Series 5: Gay Activism in Britain from 1958: The Hall-Carpenter Archives, Part 1
Gay Rights Movement: Series 6: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, ca. 1972-1994, Part 4
Gay Rights Movement: Series 6: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, ca. 1972-1994, Parts 1-3
Gay Rights Movement: Series 7: Lesbian Herstory Archives, Parts 1-6
Gay Rights Movement: Series 8: Gay and Lesbian Politics and Social Activism: Selected Periodicals, Parts 1-4
Gay Rights Movement: Series 9: Gay and Lesbian Community, Support and Spirit, Parts 1-3
General Education Board Archives: Series 1: Appropriations; Subseries 1: Early Southern Program
General Education Board Archives: Series 1: Appropriations; Subseries 3: New Southern Program and Related Programs, 1931
General George Gordon Meade Collection, 1793-1896
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs 1989-1993, Part 1: The Moscow Summit and the Dissolution of the USSR
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs 1989-1993, Part 2: Bosnia and the Situation in the Former Yugoslavia
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs 1989-1993, Part 3: Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Reunification of Germany
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs 1989-1993, Part 4: The Middle East Peace Conference Madrid, Spain
George W. Ball Papers
Gerald R. Ford and Foreign Affairs Part 1: National Security Adviser
Gerald R. Ford and Foreign Affairs, Part 1: National Security Advisor’s Files, Section 1: Presidential Country Files for East Asia and the Pacific
Gerald R. Ford and Foreign Affairs, Part 1: National Security Advisor’s Files, Section 2: Presidential Correspondence and Conversations with Foreign Leaders
German Books and Periodicals
Goldsmiths’-Kress Library of Economic Literature
Grassroots Feminist Organizations, Part 1: Boston Area Second Wave Organizations, 1968-1998
Grassroots Feminist Organizations, Part 2: San Francisco Women
Grassroots Social Activism: Records of the Highlander Folk School and Highlander Research and Education Center, 1932-1978
Ha-Olam, 1907-1950
Harleian Miscellany
Harold Jantz Collection of German Baroque Literature
History of Cinema, Series 1: Hollywood and the Production Code
History of Education
History of Photography: Monographs
History of Photography: Periodicals
History of the Pacific Northwest and Canadian Northwest
History of Women
History of Women: History of Science, Health, and Women
History of Women: Social and Cultural Construction of Girls
History of Women: Women and World War I
Horace Greeley Papers, 1831-1873
Immigrant in America
Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe, 1455-1500
Intelligence Reports on the War in the Atlantic, 1942-1945
International Population Census Publications
Ireland: Politics and Society through the Press, 1760-1922
Iroquois Indians: A Documentary History
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section A: Part 1: Edgerton, Harleian, Kings and Add. Mss.: c.1640-c.1720  
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section A: Part 2: Add. Mss.: c.1640-c.1720
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section A: Part 3: Royal Music College: c.1640-c.1720
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section B: Part 1: Edgerton, and Add. Mss.: c.1720-c.1740
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section B: Part 2: Add. Mss.: c.1720-c.1740
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section B: Part 3: Add. Mss.: c.1720-c.1740
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section B: Part 4: Royal Music College 21.a.16-24.k.13: c.1720-c.1740 
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section C: Part 1: Edgerton, and Add. Mss.: c.1740-c.1770
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section C: Part 2: Add. Mss.: c.1740-c.1770 
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section C: Part 3: Royal Music College 21.a.5-24.f.3: c.1740-c.1770
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section D: Part 1: Edgerton, and Add. Mss.: c.1770-c.1820 
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section D: Part 2: Add. Mss.: c.1770-c.1820 
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section D: Part 3: Add. Mss.: c.1770-c.1820 
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Section D: Part 4: Royal College of Music: c.1770-c.1820
J. Edgar Hoover and Radicalism in Hollywood, Part 1: Communist Infiltration of the Motion Picture Industry
J. Edgar Hoover and Radicalism in Hollywood, Part 2: Investigations of Actors, Actresses, and Directors
James Monroe Papers, 1772-1836
Jeptha Homer Wade Family Papers, 1771-1957
Jimmy Carter and Foreign Affairs, Part 1: White House Central Files, Section 1: Foreign Affairs Subject File
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Files of Walter H. Heller, CEA Chairman, 1969-1964
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Records of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Records of the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Records of the U.S. Dept. of Labor, 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Records of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Records of the U.S. Housing and Home Financing Agency, 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Records of the U.S. National Mediation Board, 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy Administration Collection: Records of the U.S. Office of Emergency Planning, 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963, Part 1: National Security Files, Section 1: Subject File
John F. Kennedy and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963, Part 1: National Security Files, Section 2: Regional Security File
John F. Kennedy and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963, Part 1: National Security Files, Section 3: Departments and Agencies File
John Foster Dulles Oral History Collection
Joseph Buell Papers 1806-1812 and Joseph Buell Family Papers, 1785-1956
Latin American History and Culture: Series 1: Parts 1-7: The Yale University Collection of Latin American Manuscripts
Latin American History and Culture: Series 2: Part 1: Cuban History and Literature
Latin American History and Culture: Series 3: Parts 1-4: The Mexican Pamphlet Collection, 1605-1888
Latin American History and Culture: Series 4: Parts 1-7: The Mexican Rare Monograph Collection, 1548-1890
Latin American History and Culture: Series 5: Civil War, Society and Political Transition in Guatemala
Latin American History and Culture: Series 6: Parts 1-7: Jose Toribio Medina Collection of Latin American Imprints, 1500-1800
Latin American History and Culture: Series 7: Cuba and the American Sugar Trade, 1897-1920: The Braga Brothers Collection
Latin American History and Culture: Series 8: Cuba and the American Sugar Trade, 1921-1943: The Braga Brothers Collection
Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Collection
LBJ and Foreign Affairs Part 1: White House Central Files, Section 1: Foreign Affairs Subject Files
LBJ and Foreign Affairs Part 1: White House Central Files, Section 2: National Defense Subject File
League of Nations Documents and Serial Publications, 1919-1946
Leonard Bacon Papers
Lillian Wald Papers, 1895-1936
Literature of Theology and Church History in the United States and Canada
Literature of Theology and Church History: British Theology
Maclure Collection of French Revolutionary Materials
Madden Ballads
Making of Modern London: Repertories: Series 1: Parts 1-3
Massachusetts Peace Society Records, 1816-1838, 1911-1917
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts from the Society of Antiquaries, London: Parts 1-2
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of St. John’s College, Oxford
Medieval Literary and Historical Manuscripts in the Cotton Collection: Parts 1-7
Medieval Manuscript Library of Pembroke College, Cambridge: Parts 1-5
Mexican Pamphlet Collection, 1605-1888
Middle East: A Documentary Resource: Series 1: Arab-Israeli Relations, 1917-1970
Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church Annual Reports, 1819-1906
Modern Ireland: Cabinet Papers of the Stormont Administration, 1921-1972, "CAB/4"
Music Manuscripts: Series 1: Part 1: Bodleian Library, Oxford: Unpublished Manuscripts of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Music Manuscripts: Series 1: Part 2: Bodleian Library, Oxford: Court Odes of William Boyce
Music Manuscripts: Series 1: Part 3: Bodleian Library, Oxford: Manuscripts of Maurice Greene and William Boyce
Music Manuscripts: Series 1: Part 4: Bodleian Library, Oxford: Section A: Unpublished English Manuscripts before c.1850
Music Manuscripts: Series 1: Part 5: Bodleian Library, Oxford: Section B: Unpublished English Manuscripts before c.1850
Music Manuscripts: Series 1: Part 6: Bodleian Library, Oxford: Unpublished Continental Mss.: 14th, 17th and 18th Centuries
Music Manuscripts: Series 2: Part 1: St. Michael’s College, Tenbury: Unpublished English and Continental Mss. before 1650
Music Manuscripts: Series 2: Part 2: St. Michael’s College, Tenbury: Unpublished Manuscripts, 1650-1800
Music Manuscripts: Series 2: Part 3: St. Michael’s College, Tenbury: Unpublished Continental Mss. 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries
Music Manuscripts: Series 2: Part 4: St. Michael’s College, Tenbury: Unpublished Continental Mss. 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries
Music Manuscripts: Series 2: Part 5: St. Michael’s College, Tenbury: Unpublished English Manuscripts of the 19th Century
Music Manuscripts: Series 3: Part 1: Christ Church, Oxford: Unpublished English Manuscripts of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Music Manuscripts: Series 3: Part 2: Christ Church, Oxford: Unpublished English Manuscripts of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Music Manuscripts: Series 3: Part 3: Christ Church, Oxford: Unpublished Continental Manuscripts of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 10: British Library, London: Section B: English Manuscripts, c.1714-1810
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 1: British Library, London: Section A: Polyphonic Music before c.1640
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 2: British Library, London: Section B: Polyphonic Music before c.1640
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 3: British Library, London: Section A: English Manuscripts, c.1640-1714
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 4: British Library, London: Section B: English Manuscripts, c.1640-1714
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 5: British Library, London: Chapel Royal Part-Books, c.1670-1850
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 6: British Library, London: Section A: Handel Mss: Operas, Serenades and Odes
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 7: British Library, London: Section B: Oratorios and Church Music
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 8: British Library, London: Section C: Instrumental, Cantatas and Other Music
Music Manuscripts: Series 4: Part 9: British Library, London: Section A: English Manuscripts, c.1714-1810
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 1: Royal College of Music, London: Section A: English Manuscripts before c.1800
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 2: Royal College of Music, London: Section B: English Manuscripts before c.1800
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 3: Royal College of Music, London: Section A: Continental Manuscripts before 1850
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 4: Royal College of Music, London: Section B: Continental Manuscripts before 1850
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 5: Royal College of Music, London: Section C: Continental Manuscripts before 1850
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 6: Royal College of Music, London: Section D: Continental Manuscripts before 1850
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 7: Royal College of Music, London: Section A: English Manuscripts, c.1800-1870
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 8: Royal College of Music, London: Section B: English Manuscripts, c.1800-1870
Music Manuscripts: Series 5: Part 9: Royal College of Music, London: Section A and B: English Manuscripts, c.1870-1930
Music Manuscripts: Series 6: Part 1: Cambridge Libraries: Mss. before 1850 from Cambridge Univ. Library and Ely Cathedral
Music Manuscripts: Series 6: Part 2: Cambridge Libraries: Manuscripts in the Rowe Music Library, King’s College, Cambridge
Music Manuscripts: Series 6: Part 3: Cambridge Libraries: Handel Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Music Manuscripts: Series 6: Part 4: Cambridge Libraries: English Mss. before c.1880 in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Music Manuscripts: Series 6: Part 5: Cambridge Libraries: Sect. A: Continental Mss. from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Music Manuscripts: Series 6: Part 6: Cambridge Libraries: Sect. B: Continental Mss. from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Music Manuscripts: Series 7: Part 1: Royal Academy of Music, London: Section A: English and Continental Manuscripts
Music Manuscripts: Series 7: Part 2: Royal Academy of Music, London: Section B: English and Continental Manuscripts
Music Manuscripts: Series 7: Part 3: Royal Academy of Music, London: Previously Uncatalogued Manuscripts
Music Manuscripts: Series 8: Part 1: Gerald Coke Handel: Manuscripts of Individual Works
Music Manuscripts: Series 8: Part 2: Gerald Coke Handel: Composite Volumes and Miscellanies and additional printed and manuscript items
Music Manuscripts: Series 8: Part 3: Gerald Coke Handel: The Shaftesbury Manuscripts
Music Manuscripts: Series 9: Part 1: St. George’s Chapel, Windsor: Music Manuscripts from the Great English Collections
National Council for Prevention of War Records, 1921-1975
National Security and the FBI Surveillance of Enemy Aliens
Native America, A Primary Record, Series 1: Rupert Costo Archive of the American Indian at the Uni. of California, Riverside
Native America, A Primary Record, Series 2: Assn. on American Indian Affairs Archives, General and Tribal Files, 1851-1983
Native America, A Primary Record, Series 3: Assn. on American Indian Affairs Archives, Publications and Legal Files, 1851-1983
Native America, A Primary Record, Series 4: James R. Walker Collection on the Oglala Sioux
New Musical Express and Blues and Soul: The Journals of Popular Music: Blues and Soul, 1967-1987
New Musical Express and Blues and Soul: The Journals of Popular Music: New Musical Express and Predecessors, 1946-1971
Newspapers from the Russian Revolutionary Era
Nineteenth-Century American Literature and History: Ohio Valley and the South
Nineteenth-Century American Literature and History: Trans-Mississippi West
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Administration of Justice and Administrative Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Agriculture  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Bankruptcy  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Biography  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Business Associations  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Business Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Commercial Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Communications, Regulated Utilities and Trades and Crafts  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Constitutional Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Contracts  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Copyright  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Criminal Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Executive  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Family Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: General Studies  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Intellectual Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: International Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Jurisprudence  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Labor and Social Welfare  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Legal History  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Legal Profession  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Legislature  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Local Government, Civil Service and Judicial Assistance  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Maritime Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Medical Jurisprudence  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Military Justice  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: National Defense  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Natural Resources  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Politics and Government  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Probate or Notariat, Obligations, Practice and Procedure and Private Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Procedural Law  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Public Law, Education, Health and Land Use Planning  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Public Property  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Real Property  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Reference Works and Bibliography  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Religion  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Taxation and Public Finance  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Torts  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Transportation  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Trials  
Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises: Trusts and Estates  
Nineteenth-Century Sports Newspapers
Nixon Administration and Foreign Affairs, 1969-1974: Part 1: White House Central Files Section 1: Foreign Affairs Subject File
Nixon Administration and Foreign Affairs, 1969-1974: Part 2: National Security Files Section 1: For the President’s Files China and Vietnam Negotiations
Nixon Administration and Foreign Affairs, 1969-1974: Part 2: National Security Files, Section 2: The President
Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University, 1859-1952
On Color: The Faber Birren Book Collection
Oscar Wilde Collection
Palestine Statehood Committee Records, 1939-1949
Papers of Andrew Jackson, 1770-1845
Papers of Anna Garlin Spencer
Papers of Carlos Montezuma, M.D., 1875-1952, Maria Keller Montezuma Moore, 1910-1952, and Joseph W. Latimer, 1911-1934
Papers of Countee Cullen, 1921-1969
Papers of Fannie Lou Hamer, 1966-1978
Papers of Fredi Washington, 1925-1979
Papers of Hannah Johnstone Bailey, 1858-1923
Papers of Henry Lewis Stimson, 1867-1950
Papers of Lydia G. Wentworth, 1902-1947
Papers of M. Carey Thomas
Papers of Mary McLeod Bethune, 1923-1948
Papers of Panton, Leslie and Company
Papers of Prince Gregory Potemkin: Part 1
Papers of Prince Gregory Potemkin: Part 2
Papers of Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Papers of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee, 1959-1966
Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions: Missionary Index
Papers of the American Home Missionary Society, 1816-1894
Papers of the National Farm Workers Association, 1960-1967
Papers of the Red Army: Political and Internal Intelligence Reports, 1918-1921
Papers of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee
Papers of the White Army, 1918-1921
Papers of Wilhelm Sollmann, 1901-1991
Papers of William H. Seward
Papers of William H. Seward: Combined Index to General Correspondence
Parker Society
Pennsylvania Committee for Total Disarmament Records, 1930-1938
Plains and the Rockies, 1800-1865
Planned Parenthood Federation of America Records, 1918-1974,
Planned Parenthood Federation of America Records, 1918-1974, Part 2: Correspondence and Subject Files, 1920-1974
Planned Parenthood Federation of America Records, 1918-1974, Part 3: Related Birth Control Organizations, 1918-1969
Popular Stage: Drama in Nineteenth Century England: Series 1: Manuscript and Typescript Plays: Parts 1-5
Popular Stage: Drama in Nineteenth Century England: Series 2: Pantomimes
Popular Stage: Drama in Nineteenth Century England: Series 3: Rare Printed Plays: Parts 1-3
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Board of Foreign Missions Correspondence and Reports, 1833-1911
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Women’s Board of Home Mission Records, 1866-1958
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.: Board of Missions for Freedmen Annual Reports, 1866-1923
Presidential Election Polls, 1988: The Gallup/Conus Reports
Princeton University Libraries Latin American Microfilm Collection: Supplement VI
Princeton University Libraries Latin American Microfilm Collection: Supplements I-V
Property and Privilege in Medieval and Early Modern England and Wales: Parts 1-4
Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice
Published Records of the American Colonies
Records of Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1760-1972
Records of the American Union Against Militarism, 1915-1922
Records of the Committee on Militarism in Education, 1925-1940
Records of the Defense Attach
Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Austria, 1945-1949
Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Austria, 1950-1954
Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Austria, 1955-1963
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944
Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Cambodia, 1960-1963
Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Colombia, 1960-1963
Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Ecuador, 1960-1963
Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Guatemala, 1950-1954
Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Poland, 1960-1963
Records of the Emergency Peace Campaign, 1936-1937
Records of the Japan U.S. Economic Group
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Everyday Life Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Geographic Names Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Indian Individuals Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Indian Nations Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Indians Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Land Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Mission Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Mission Places Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: Non-Indian Nations and Nationals Index
Records of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians of North America: White Persons Index
Records of the New York Peace Society, 1818-1843, 1906-1940
Records of the Peace Association of Friends in America, 1868-1944
Records of the U.S. State Department Briefing Books Relating to the Situation in Vietnam, 1961-1966 From the Records of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs
Records of the U.S. State Department Congo Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966 Subject Numeric File POL
Records of the U.S. State Department India and Pakistan Political Affairs and Relations, February 1963-1966 Subject-Numeric File POL
Records of the U.S. State Department Korea Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966 Subject-Numeric File POL
Records of the U.S. State Department Laos Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966 Subject-Numeric File POL
Records of the U.S. State Department Nigeria Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966 Subject-Numeric File POL
Records of the U.S. State Department Relating to Internal Affairs Dominican Republic Political and Governmental Affairs, 1963-1966 Subject Numeric File POL
Records of the U.S. State Department Subject Files of the Office of Special Political Affairs and the Creation of the United Nations Organization, 1940-1946
Records of the U.S. State Department U.S. Relations with the Vatican and The Holocaust, 1942-1950
Records of the Universal Peace Union, 1846-1938
Records of the Women’s Peace Union, 1921-1940
Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1948-1961 The Economic Cooperation Administration
Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1948-1961 U.S. Operations Mission in Iran, 1950-1961
Records Relating to the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 1938
Reports of the Military Government for Germany, U.S. Zone, 1945-53
Russian Archives: Association of Workers of Revolutionary Cinematography
Russian Archives: Cold War and Central Committee: Series 1: The International Department, 1953-1957
Russian Archives: Cold War and Central Committee: Series 2: The General Department of the Central Committee, 1953-1966
Russian Archives: Cold War and Central Committee: Series 3: Congresses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1955-1986
Russian Archives: Cold War and Central Committee: Series 4: Plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1941-1990
Russian Archives: Crimean (Eastern) War, 1853-1856
Russian Archives: Dept. Records of the Central Committee of the Communist Party: Part 1, 1953-1966
Russian Archives: Dept. Records of the Central Committee of the Communist Party: Part 2, 1953-1966
Russian Archives: Institute of Economics of the Communist Academy, 1921-1937
Russian Archives: Intercepted Correspondence of Russian Revolutionaries from the Special Department of the Police, 1906-1917
Russian Archives: Meyerhold Theatre, 1920-1938
Russian Archives: Military Papers of Leon Trotsky, 1918-1925
Russian Archives: Mosfilm Studio, 1938-1945
Russian Archives: Napoleonic Wars, 1805-1815
Russian Archives: Russian Peasantry on the Eve of Collectivization: The Dynamic (Cluster) Censuses of Peasant Farms in the 1920’s: Parts 1-9
Russian Archives: Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905
Russian Archives: Russo-Turkish War, 1877-1878
Russian Archives: Soviet Census of 1937 and 1939
Russian Archives: Study of Soviet Genetics
Russian Archives: Voice of the People Under Soviet Rule
Russian Revolutionary Literature
Sabin Collection
Samuel Adams Papers, 1635-1826
Scientific and Technical Periodicals
Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Periodicals and Academy Publications
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 1: Parts 1-2: Speeches of Resonance and Power
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 2: Parts 1-4: Official Papers of Government Departments
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 3: Parts 1-2: Official Papers: Cabinets and Committees
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 4: Parts 1-4: Personal Papers: A Family in War and Peace
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 5: Parts 1-9: Public and Political Life: Party and Reform
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 6: Parts 1-3: Constituency Politics
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 7: Parts 1-7: Literary Papers: The Uses of History
Sir Winston Churchill Papers: Series 8: Acquired Papers and Miscellaneous
Slavery Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection
Slavery, Source Material and Critical Literature
Social Problems and the Churches
Somers Tracts
Sources of Massachusetts Legal History, 1628-1839
Spanish Civil War Collection
Spanish Drama of the Golden Age, 1562-1850
Spanish Political and Economic Transition Groups, 1940s-1980s, Supplement I
Spanish Rare Books of the Golden Age
Special Subject Units from Sex Research
Spiro T. Agnew Case: The Investigative and Legal Documents
Sporting Life, 1883-1917
State Papers Medieval and Other Records: PRO Class SC1
Studies in Global Crises: International Climatic Changes and Global Warming
Studies in Global Crises: The Global Financial and Economic Crisis
Studies in Global Crisis: The Global War on Terrorism
Testaments to the Holocaust: Series 1: Archives of the Wiener Library, London
Testaments to the Holocaust: Series 2: Thematic Press Cuttings Collection, 1933-1945
Testaments to the Holocaust: Series 3: Henriques Archive
Texas as a Province and Republic, 1795-1845
Thaddeus Stevens Papers
The American Occupation in Germany, 1918-23
The Brontë Manuscripts: Literary Manuscripts and Correspondence of the Brontë Family from the Brontë Society Collection at Haworth Parsonage and the British Library
The Bush Administration and the AIDS Crisis, 1989-1993
The Compact of Permanent Union Records of the U.S. Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico, 1973-1975
The Ford Administration and Hispanic America: Office Files of Fernando C. DeBaca
The Freedom Civic Association Records, 1917-1992
The Holocaust and Records of Concentration Camp Trials
The Internment of Japanese Americans: Records of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
The Minority Voter, Election of 1936 and the Good Neighbor League
The Official Papers of Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King
The Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Administrative Histories of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Economy, Finance and Trade
The Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Administrative Histories of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Health, Education and Welfare
The Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Administrative Histories of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Labor and Employment
The Papers of President Lyndon B. Johnson Administrative Histories of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidency Science and Technology
The War on Poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity Part 2: Community Profiles Midwestern States
The War on Poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity Part 2: Community Profiles Northeastern States
The War on Poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity Part 2: Community Profiles Southern States
The War on Poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity Part 2: Community Profiles Texas
The War on Poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity Part 2: Community Profiles Western States
The War on Poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity, Part 1: Records of the Office of Civil Rights, 1965-1968
The William Sanders Sarah C. Bierce Scarborough Papers, 1797-1935
The Women’s Movement in Cuba, 1898-1958: The Stoner Collection on Cuban Feminism
Theodorus Bailey Myers Collection, 1540-1870
Thomas A. Edison Collection of American Sheet Music
Thomas Addis Emmet Collection, 1483-1876
Transcripts of the Malcolm X Assassination Trial
Travels in the Confederate States
Travels in the New South I and II, 1865-1955
Travels in the Old South I, II, III: 1607-1860
Travels in the West and Southwest
Twentieth Century American Politics and Diplomacy: Series 1: Part 3: The Walter Lippmann Papers: Public Opinion Mail and Diaries
Twentieth Century American Politics and Diplomacy: Series 1: Part 4: The Walter Lippmann Papers: Early Papers, 1904-1920
Twentieth Century Composers: Part 1: Music Manuscripts of Tippett, Bliss and Finzi
Twentieth Century Composers: Part 2: The Elgar Diaries, Letters and Manuscripts from Birmingham University Library
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Administration of Justice and Administrative Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Agriculture
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Bankruptcy
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Biography
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Business Associations
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Business Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Commercial Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Communications, Regulated Utilities and Trades and Crafts
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Constitutional Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Contracts
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Criminal Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Executive
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Family Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: General Studies
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Intellectual Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Jurisprudence
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Labor and Social Welfare
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Legal Education
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Legal History
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Legal Profession
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Legislature
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Local Government, Civil Service
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Maritime and Air Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Medical Jursprudence
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Military Justice
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: National Defence
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Natural Resources
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Politcs and Government
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Probate or Notariat, Obligations and Private Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Procedural Law
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Public Law, Education, Health and Land Use Planning
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Public Property
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Real Property
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Reference Works and Bbliography
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Religion
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Taxation and Public Finance
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Torts
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Transportation
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Trials
Twentieth Century Legal Treatises: Trusts and Estates
U. S. Customs Service Records: Port of New Orleans, Louisiana: Inward and Outward Slave Manifests
U.S. Army Center of Military History Historical Manuscripts Collection: The Korean War
U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights Part 3: The Integration of Alabama Schools and the Use of Military Force, 1963
U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights, Part 1: Integration of the University of Mississippi and the Use of Military Force, 1961-1963
U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights, Part 2: The Military Response to the March on Washington, 1963
U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights, Part 4: The Little Rock Integration Crisis, 1957-1958
U.S. Relations with Panama and Operation Just Cause
Ukranian Archives: Cultural Policies and Plunder of the Third Reich in Occupied Europe: Files of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in Kiev
Ukranian Archives: Road to Palestine: Zionist Movement in Lviv Region between the World Wars: Parts: 1-3
United Presbyterian Church of North America, Pt 1: Women
United States Sanitary Commission Records, 1861-1866 Series 1 and 7
Universal Negro Improvement Association Records, 1921-1986
Utah and the Mormons
Venetian Opera Libretti
Viennese Theatre, 1740-1790
Voices from Wartime France, 1939-45: Clandestine Resistance and Vichy Newspapers
War Diary Operations Division: German Naval Staff, 1939-45
War, Peace, and Democracy in America: Series 1: Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 1940-1942
Warner Brothers Screenplays, 1930-1950
Wartime Conferences of the Chiefs of Staff, 1941-1945
Washington Irving Papers, 1759-1898
Western American Frontier History, 1550-1900
Western Books on Asia: India and the West [Bound Pamphlets]
Western Books on Asia: India and the West [Monographs]
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Southeast Asia: From the John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia at Cornell University
Western Books: The Middle East from the Rise of Islam
William Sanders and Sarah C. Bierce Scarborough Papers
Witchcraft in Europe and America
Women Composers
Women’s Lives: Series 3: American Women Missionaries and Pioneers Collection Part 1: Missionaries
Women’s Lives: Series 3: American Women Missionaries and Pioneers Collection Part 2: Pioneers
Women’s Periodicals: Eighteenth Century to the Great Depression
Women’s Trade Union League and Its Leaders
Works of the Master Architects: The Fowler Collection of Early Architectural Books from Johns Hopkins University
World War II Documents from the State Archive of Kiev Oblast: Part 1: Postcards from Home
World War II Documents from the State Archive of Kiev Oblast: Part 2: From Bolshevizm to the New Order
World War II Documents from the State Archive of Kiev Oblast: Part 3: The Long Road Home
Yale Collection of German Baroque Literature